ProtĂ©ger les journalistes: quel rĂŽle lâEurope doit-elle jouer?
đđFrench, English and Arabic interpretation will be available
Quel rĂŽle lâEurope doit-elle jouer pour la protection des journalistes Ă lâinternational?
LâEurope porte lâobjectif dâune plus grande protection des journalistes, mais son action est-elle Ă la hauteur? Des journalistes internationaux qui ont Ă©tĂ© ou sont aujourdâhui mis en danger discutent avec des acteurs politiques et associatifs engagĂ©s pour la protection des journalistes. Quel rĂŽle l’Union europĂ©enne et ses Ătats membres doivent-ils jouer dans cet enjeu central pour la libertĂ© d’informer et d’ĂȘtre informĂ©?
Mercredi 24 mai 2023 Ă 18h30, l’eurodĂ©putĂ© Mounir Satouri vous convie Ă un webinaire pour discuter de ces enjeux.
Pour vous connecter, suivez ce lien đ https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82543250048Â
What role should Europe play in protecting journalists internationally?
Europe has the objective of greater protection for journalists, but is its action up to the task? International journalists who have been or are now in danger discuss with political actors and associations committed to the protection of journalists. What role should the European Union and its Member States play in this central issue for the freedom to inform and to be informed?
On Wednesday May 24, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. (Brussels time), MEP Mounir Satouri invites you to a webinar to discuss these issues.
To tune in, follow this link đ https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82543250048Â
đ La confĂ©rence dĂ©butera Ă 18h30, pour une durĂ©e de 90 minutes, au cours de laquelle le public aura Ă©galement l’opportunitĂ© de poser des questions aux intervenant-e-s.
đUne interprĂ©tation en français, anglais et arabe sera disponible.
 Programme et liste des intervenant-e-sÂ
Mounir Satouri est un eurodĂ©putĂ© Ă©cologiste, membre du Groupe Verts/ALE, siĂ©geant en Commission des affaires internationales et sa Sous-commission sur les droits humains. Mounir Satouri est un Ă©lu français du Parlement europĂ©en. Il est co-rĂ©dacteur du rapport d’initiative sur la protection des journalistes du Parlement europĂ©en.
Julie Majerczak est la reprĂ©sentante de Reporters sans frontiĂšres (RSF) auprĂšs des institutions europĂ©ennes. Elle reprĂ©sente lâONG de dĂ©fense de la libertĂ© de la libertĂ© de la presse depuis avril 2016. Avant de rejoindre RSF, elle a Ă©tĂ© journaliste pendant 16 ans. SpĂ©cialiste des questions europĂ©ennes et environnementales, elle a travaillĂ© pendant 10 ans pour le quotidien français LibĂ©ration comme correspondante Ă Bruxelles. Elle a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© la correspondante du quotidien Le Parisien, de la radio RTL et du mĂ©dia en ligne Contexte.Â
Hussam Hammoud 30 ans, est originaire de Raqqa, dans le centre de la Syrie. Sa carriĂšre de journaliste a dĂ©butĂ© au moment de la rĂ©volution contre Bachar al-Assad en 2011. Depuis, il nâa cessĂ© de tĂ©moigner de la rĂ©alitĂ© dans son pays, pour diffĂ©rents mĂ©dias internationaux, parmi lesquels Mediapart.
Lina Attalah est une journaliste Ă©gyptienne et fondatrice de mĂ©dia. Elle est rĂ©dactrice en chef du mĂ©dia indĂ©pendant Mada Masr. Elle est particuliĂšrement active dans la dĂ©fense de la libertĂ© de la presse en Ăgypte.
Ali Samoudi est un journaliste palestinien. Le 11 mai 2022, il a Ă©tĂ© blessĂ© alors qu’il couvrait un raid militaire israĂ©lien sur le camp de rĂ©fugiĂ©s de JĂ©nine en Cisjordanie. Sa collĂšgue journaliste Shireen Abu Aklheh a Ă©tĂ© tuĂ©e le mĂȘme jour par l’armĂ©e israĂ©lienne.
đ The conference will begin at 6:30 p.m., for a duration of 90 minutes, during which the audience will also have the opportunity to ask questions of the speakers.
đFrench, English and Arabic interpretation will be available.
Program and list of speakersÂ
Mounir Satouri is a green MEP, member of the Greens/EFA Group, sitting on the International Affairs Committee and its Sub-Committee on Human Rights. Mounir Satouri is a French member of the European Parliament. He is shadow rapporteur of the initiative report on the protection of journalists of the European Parliament.
Julie Majerczak is the Reporters Without Borders Representative to the European Institutions. She has represented the international press freedom NGO at the EU level since May 2016. Before joining RSF, Julie was a journalist for 16 years. She moved to Brussels in 2002 to report on EU affairs for the French daily newspaper LibĂ©ration for which she worked for ten years. She also reported for the French daily newspaper Le Parisien, RTL radio and the online media outlet Contexte.Â
Hussam Hammoud 30 years old, comes from Raqqa, in central Syria. His career as a journalist was triggered at the time of the revolution against Bashar al-Assad in 2011. Since then, he has continued to bear witness to the reality in his country, for various international media, including Mediapart.
Lina Attalah is an Egyptian journalist and media founder. She is Editor in Chief of the independent media Mada Masr. She is particularly active in defending press freedom in Egypt.
Ali Samoudi is a Palestinian journalist. On May 11, 2022, he was injured as he was covering an Israeli military raid on the Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank. His fellow journalist Shireen Abu Aklheh was killed that same day by the Israeli army.
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